Tuesday, January 31, 2012

one birthday month ends and another begins! :)

My AHHHMAZING mother turned the big 6-0 this weekend, which is so very hard to believe! My sisters and I wanted to do something special for her for this big milestone, so we threw her a surprise birthday party Saturday night and the surprise was a success! Family and many of her long time friends came to help us celebrate and we had an amazing time! Some highlights of the party...

1. It was at the Art Bar. A super cool, laid back bar on Main St. downtown Greenville. We had the upstairs bar reserved (MINUS a few party crashers, who even ate some of our food! haha)
2. We got my mom's FAVE, coconut cake. And then some cupcakes as well for those who despise the texture of coconut (like myself). These treats came from one of my new obsessions..... The Bakery off Augusta. If you live in Greenville, you MUST try it! They also have the most delicious petit fours I have ever tasted in my life.

Coconut Cake from The Bakery Off Augusta

The "Glenn" girls :)
Some of my mom's LONG time friends
the hat. the face. enough said.
The Archibald Fam
The party was a huge success! We could not have asked for a better mother and best friend! We love you more than anything! Here's to MANY MANY more birthdays (just don't be expecting a party like this every year ;-)

So, now that January is coming to an end, MY birthday month is beginning. Yes, I said "birthday month"! Be honest...who doesn't love to celebrate their birthday all month long?! haha not that this ever really happens but I at least like to acknowledge it until the day comes! And if the celebration continues...then the celebration continues. However, it's hard when that cute little holiday, Valentine's Day comes along just 2 short days later. I will say, I don't mind combining the 2 for a nice dinner or something like that. I think a card and some candy is quite nice, but nothing too over the top.

So, I bought myself an early birthday/valentine's gift. It's the perfect dress for transitioning into Spring!
SOOO many ways to wear it. :)
I honestly don't expect anything for my birthday. I know, it sounds crazy. I feel like it's just that time in my life, and hopefully I'll always feel this way...but it's the thought, the phone call, the card, the company, and simply the feeling of being loved and appreciated that really matters more than anything. Besides, I'm pretty bad about when I want something, that is affordable, bad enough, then I just go get it. But with that being said....who doesn't love gifts???
So, this is just another fun wish list. Because who doesn't keep a constant wish list in mind??

1. TOMS ballet flats! They became available today! :) So cute and bound to be comfortable!

The particular pair REALLY catches my eye :)

2. Guilty by Gucci. Every girl needs her scent.

5. The Hunger Games. I love a good addiction to a series.

6. Heating blanket. Yes, random. But, my mom has one and it is the most wonderful thing EVER!

hmmm that's all I can think of for now. This list is constant though....always fulfilling and adding on ;-)

Also, Nelson and I have officially signed up for the Cooper River Bridge Run 2012. It might be the 1st year I'll be doing this run and NOT living in Charleston :-( which is kinda sad. But, we went ahead and jumped the gun, committing to it tonight since tonight ends the "early registration". Charleston, here we come! Well, I'm sure we will be back sooner, but March 31st is official.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This yoga video. Yes, of course, there was some controversy around it. BUT, you have to admit that this is beautiful. And of course it's a great source of inspiration.

The following article is an awesome follow-up to this video.

And then I'm sure most of you have seen the many many videos like this on YouTube. These phrases still crack me up....I even follow this person on twitter and everytime I see their tweets, I find myself laughing out loud. And then of course I share them with my husband, and he never laughs with me. haha. oh well. I find them very funny.

The last obsession that has been on my mind is .... CHANEL. Chanel make-up that is :) I have been searching for some new face/eye cream, make-up, etc...but have dreaded actually having to pay for it. But thankfully, the Chanel counter offers samples!
I did get this wonderful Eye Cream...Starting my wrinkle prevention early! It's also super moisturizing and treats puffiness and dark circles!

And the following are on my "want" list.

Lastly, it has been an absurdly dreary, rainy, cloudy weekend here in Greenville. We were social for 1 night, but I have watched quite a few movies this weekend. So here's a little review!

The Debt
I had never even heard of it or anyone cast in it, but this was a great movie! Actually kept my attention, and had a little suspense to it!

I Don't Know How She Does It
This was pretty cute and entertaining. Not a must see or anything. But I do love me some Sarah Jessica Parker.

I was actually surprised that I liked this movie. Seriously, how can Brad Pitt still be soo good looking?! It's like he doesn't age! (Although...I don't really like him ever since the Angelina scandal, but you must admit he is quite the looker!)
This movie is based on a true story and I highly recommend it!

And tonight...we plan on watching Contagion. It's been on my list to watch for a couple of weeks now and I've heard it's pretty good, so I'm excited!

This nasty weather just makes me want to sit on the couch and watch movies all day (with a mini break for church this AM......some hot yoga....a maybe a nap.)

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Well, now that I have taken over a month hiatus from blogging, I have kicked myself in the butt and am jumping back in!!
I apologize for the absence, but it's been a little busy with the holidays, moving from Charleston to Greenville over the holidays (literally...drove a UHAUL up on NYE), and I started my 3rd (and 2nd to last!) PT rotation at Greenville Memorial. Although I have continued to follow other blogs over my "break", I just haven't felt too inspired to write lately.....I must confess..I definitely have been sad about leaving Charleston. It just doesn't feel real yet, more just like an extended holiday in the upstate. So we have said goodbye to Nelson and I's first home together. And on to a new chapter in our lives!
We are beginning to settle in a little bit. First of all, it is WONDERFUL to live in the same city as so many of our family. I am sure that "lonely" is one thing we will not be ;-) We are very blessed to have such wonderful families!
Also, I have started teaching yoga classes at Southern Om! So that's been keeping me pretty busy as well! Come join me any Monday evening at 7pm for a 90 min of hot power vinyasa! ;-)

I'll leave you with just a little recap of our holiday with some of my favorite pics!
And no, I didn't watch the Golden Globes last night. I won't even pretend like I did. I just enjoy looking at the magazines and other blogs for best/worst dressed instead :)

Poe Family Tacky Christmas Eve
Ruby's 1st Christmas! So, needless to say, there were a few photo ops, but I will spare you the 500 photos! ;-)
Ruby, opening her 1st Christmas present!

We brought in the New Year with the Avett Brothers at the Bi-Lo Center! (Thanks to my wonderful sister and brother- in- law!)

And we even snuck out a bottle of champagne! Happy NEW YEAR!
2012 is gonna be a good one!! (I'll be honest...I have been anxiously awaiting this year since starting PT school in 2009!!!!)
Spending a beautiful Saturday in Cleveland Park!
Just a lil' shopping trip with Rubes! She is quite the natural shopper....surely a shopaholic in the making! ;-)

So, a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! See you soon!!