Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Wedding at Cabin Ridge: The Gomes :)

This weekend we made a trek up the mountains to The Cabin Ridge in Hendersonville for a dear friend's wedding. The weather cold not have been any more perfect! Friday night, College friends, Katherine, Bryan, Summer, and I met Anna up at the cabin for the rehearsal and ended up staying the night in the quaint little cabin with well water, no electricity, and an outdoor shower.... and, we actually had a blast! We even built our own fire!
The wedding was on Saturday afternoon, was perfect and "SO ANNA!" The beautiful bride wore little birdies in her hair, a hippie white dress, and white moccasins! You have to know Anna to understand :-) Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Me, Anna, Bryan, and Katherine at the Rehearsal
Anna and her sister/MOH, Alex

Unbelievable sunset!

Cuddled up in the cabin! :-)
Our own little campfire!

Beautiful Fall leaves in the NC mountains!

The beautiful bouquets made by "florists", Bryan and Jena

Wedding day! Katherine, Me, Summer, Bryan, and Alex with the beautiful bride!

The bride's hair...complete with flowers and birdies :)

Anna's awesome Minnetonka moccasins!

Cake Time! David and Anna Gomes
I think I can speak for all of us in saying that we are SOO happy for Anna! David and Anna are an amazing couple and we wish them all the happiness in the world!! We are all so thankful to have been included in their special day!

I spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with my family in Greenville! And, yes, as I promised we attempted putting Ruby in a pumpkin.....
So curious! At this point she had no idea of our intention with this pumpkin ;-)

This face says it all! Maybe next year....
(I promise we did NOT torture her! haha We put her in, snapped some pictures..and took her out! She was NOT having it!)
Still made for some adorable pictures though! ;-)
Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures!! They are gorgeous!! Thanks soooo much for all your help :) love ya!!
