Monday, September 26, 2011


"Explore daily the will of God"
C.G. Jung
This quote is from one of the books I am reading for Yoga Teacher Training. And I have quickly come to love this book. It is called "Meditations from the Mat" and if you practice yoga, you have probably heard a teacher or two read from this book during your practice- it is truly inspiring. The cool thing about this book is that it is based on yoga sutras, yet the author pulls scripture and quotes from all kinds of religions- but proves that the messages are universal. It is very interesting!

I particularly loved this meditation- it speaks on "tapas", which means zeal or austerity (not your spanish appetizer! Although, I love those too!) Tapas is about having a heart of an explorer with the willingness to work hard, the desire to know oneself, and the will to be honest. In this meditation, Rolf Gates tells the story of a man who spent 20 years in prison, and once released he found a spiritual awakening, in which he set new priorities for his life. In his old life, things were predictable, yet in his new life, each day was a new adventure. This man would wake up feeling guided through his days by a loving force, with a lively desire to explore the will of God. He had the heart of an explorer and his religion was not built on rigid self-discipline, but simply built by the desire to know more. Can you imagine waking up daily with this lively desire for the day? How amazing would that be?
I, for one, am quite familiar with a life and faith that has it's ups and downs and is like a serious rollercoaster. But this is a consistent prayer of mine, to walk in God's will and that God would strengthen or in some cases re-ignite the fire in my life for knowing Him more. There are definitely days that I get stuck in my routine and am not necessarily excited about waking up and studying or heading to MUSC for class, but I am excited and open to what God has in His plans for my life. Waking up with His guidance and love gives so much more meaning and purpose and excitement into my life for the days ahead. Tapas can be a natural reaction to the events in your life- waking with the desire to explore the will of God and hungry for growth.
A dear friend also shared a devotion with me today that goes perfectly with this meditation. The devotion came from Proverbs 31 Ministry,

"A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?" Ecclesiastes 2: 24-25
"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of life God has given them under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 8:15

Have a joyful day!

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